Also, I really liked how the Author Khaled Hosseini lived in Kabul as well.
Also, I really liked how the Author Khaled Hosseini lived in Kabul as well. The author describes everything about Kabul's culture in a vivid manner. In Kabul, the young Amir lives with his father, whom he refers to as "Baba". Baba and Amir never really have a good father son relationship at the start of the story. In the beginning novel, Amir and Baba have a problematical relationship. The slingshot symbolizes loyalty and devotion Hassan has towards Amir. The slingshot is also a symbol of defence and empowerment. The return of Assef is a very important Symbol. Hassan's slingshot is one more very noteworthy symbol.
Even though Assef is big and muscular, his stature could not stop the little Sohrab from using the slingshot. The slingshot is significant in a several ways. Chapter one takes place in San Francisco, United States. Assef as a character symbolizes a lot of things. Unfortunately, Hassan came across Assef, the infamous neighboorhood bully. He quickly becomes unable to live in the same house as Hassan because he is too often reminded of his cowardice and his guilt. Baba, like Amir, is full of guilt and regret. Baba was hard on Amir because it eased the guilt of not treating Hassan equally.
When Amir returns later on in the story, he sees that the tree has withered and ceased to bloom; similarly to his friendship Abigail williams character analysis essay with Hassan. First of all, Fatherhood is very important theme because mothers are rarely present in the story. Sin and redemption is the main theme of the novel. This theme is also present with Baba. However, in the end of the novel, Baba and Amir build a good relationship with each other and Baba dies a happy man. Baba forgives him although he despises the act A tale of two cities character analysis essay of theft. To get rid of Hassan, Amir frames him for theft by putting money and a wristwatch under his pillow.
As the story proceeds, the reader learns that Amir is a coward. He is on a brave mission to save Sohrab, but deep down, he is convinced that he is still a coward. He redeems himself by saving Sohrab and he proves his loyalty to Hassan. However, Amir shows occasional bitterness and jealousy towards Hassan. He evidently shows his dislike of what the Taliban have done in Afghanistan. For instance, they both grew up in Kabul, both enjoyed reading and writing and they were both affected by the Taliban. To conclude, I must say that I really took pleasure in reading The kite runner. That passage foreshadows the eventual collapse Benvolio character analysis essay of Afghanistan. "God help us all if Afghanistan ever falls into their hands".
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